Energy Efficiency Are We Taking Control?

Energy reduction cuts climate emissions and saves money. The latest government strategy falls far short – again. Are we going down a dead-end?

One in every 6 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions in the UK comes from our homes, with 19 million of our 29 million homes performing below the required level. 

With increasing fuel poverty and as we electrify both heating (with electric heat pumps replacing gas boilers) and transport (with EVs replacing the internal combustion engine) – where precisely is the government on energy reduction?

A long-term Energy Efficiency Strategy should be the single most important element in any moves to enhance the UK’s energy security. We need to also power down. 

“Recognising the difficulties in implementing effective policy quickly, it is still disappointing not to see more on energy efficiency and on supporting households to make changes that can cut their energy bills now.” said the Director of the Climate Change Commission.

Retrofitting UK housing stock is an imperative, creating 1000’s of new jobs. Boris Johnson wants to build one nuclear power plant per year. He doesn’t get it. Nuclear Power is way too slow, too costly and we don’t know what to do with the hazardous waste – its unsafe, is risky and not fit for our future.

Quick tips to save energy at home. And save money.

 Energy guides on this site

Where, also, is the backing for local community energy production, thus supporting local jobs and renewable energy?