Porthcawl Regeneration - a letter from Sustainable Wales

The Regeneration of Porthcawl, Sustainability, and Community Involvement - letter from Sustainable Wales to Bridgend Bouroughs LDP Inspector, Auditor General Wales & Wellbeing of Future generations Commissioner.

Download the full document with additional notes (PDF) here

The main text reads:

Monday, 17 April 2023


1.Inspector, Nicola Gulley Bridgend Boroughs Revised LDP c/o LDPProgrammeOfficer@bridgend.gov.uk

2. Auditor General. Audit Wales, 1 Capital Quarter, Cardiff, CF104BZ Email info@audit.wales

3c.c. Well-being of Future Generations Commissioner, Derek Walker

Is this as good as it gets?

The Regeneration of Porthcawl, Sustainability, and Community Involvement

Like many organisations based in Porthcawl, Sustainable Wales (SW) has tried to engage with Bridgend Borough Council Planning Department over many years, as plans emerge for the regeneration of the town’s waterfront. (see below, where we mention some SW contributions.)

The community consultation over the years, offered by BCBC to new planning developments, we feel, has been old style and limiting. This has caused a degree of alienation, definitely more so now with the growth of social media.

Thus, many people feel disengaged from politics, even though many of their ideas are sensible and exciting. There is a lack of trust in the process.

Because of the climate and ecological emergency, generally agreed to exist, we need to move forward. Sustainable development requires informed participation - this we have known for years. Futures will be different and we need to share a vision and start the transition now. The planning process we have is not fit for purpose. It is also imposed upon us.

Requiring urgent discussion is what sort of town might Porthcawl become? How do we plan with consideration of the past, the present and future, in a fair and just way, for people and planet? Residents have had no chance to establish a vision together.

Indeed, there are many participatory techniques available to replicate, which have been tried and tested across the UK and further afield.

The Well Being of Future Generations Act, Planning Policy Wales, and the Local Government Association Gunning Principles all state the need for deeper consultation (see below).

Thus, the question is how do we implement these requirements? Other countries administrations laud the Wales Future Generation’s Act. Yet it does not seem to being implemented in its country of origin!. People believe this is now a pressing issue.

For all our Future Generations Yours sincerely

Margaret Minhinnick Director, Sustainable Wales.

Porthcawl Regeneration Plans Response - updated report 2020

Updated Report now available September 2020

Introduction to the report

Report cover click for report as a PDF

Report cover click for report as a PDF

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Porthcawl Regeneration plans response

Regeneration Plans for Porthcawl – a low carbon community?

Sustainable Wales - Cymru Gynaliadwy is a charity that has been based in Porthcawl and Bridgend County Borough for over twenty years. It is progressive in outlook and aims to encourage behavioural change within the community https://www.sustainablewales.org.uk/

The NGO has always taken a keen interest in development plans for the county borough, and at this time of planetary climate emergency, this interest is more relevant than ever. The organisation would like to see Bridgend Borough Council at the forefront of leading Porthcawl’s transition into a low-carbon community.

As Porthcawl often achieves c60% and up to 95% local renewable energy generation we potentially have a head start. https://carbontracer.westernpower.co.uk/

Local generation we believe is from Cenin Renewables -Parc Stormi http://www.ceninrenewables.co.uk )

The Context

At the end of 2018, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warned that we have 12 years to make the necessary changes to limit a rise in global temperatures by 1.5ºC.

Failure to act will see a significant and accelerating increase in sea levels and flooding, extreme and abrupt changes to weather patterns, crop failures, and extinctions of plant, insect and animal species. This will lead to global economic disruption and a humanitarian crisis, impacting billions of people.

Download the report as a PDF 2.1mb

Response to Porthcawl Regeneration Plans

Last week Sustainable Wales joined the Climate Emergency Campaigns with a constructive challenge to Bridgend Borough Council.

“When will Porthcawl become a Low-Carbon Community?”

Updated September 2020

The challenge, outlined in a document (download PDF) delivered to Chief Officers and Councillors,  is to see Bridgend Borough Council at the forefront of leading Porthcawl’s transition into a low-carbon community.

Porthcawl Regneration

Porthcawl Regneration

The charity’s response is submitted at exactly the same time that voices, from octogenarian Sir David Attenborough to  teenager Greta Thunberg, are being raised to describe our climate emergency, whilst student strikes and Extinction Rebellion demonstrations are occurring internationally. 

Sustainable Wales (SW) wants Bridgend Borough Council to build on its planning, energy and transport strategies and take a pioneering leadership role amongst local authorities.

“Our challenge seems ambitious, says Margaret Minhinnick, SW Director, “but reflect the bare minimum of what should be achieved by any regeneration of Porthcawl.” 

Sustainable Wales has welcomed Bridgend County Borough Council’s outline plans for the regeneration of Porthcawl. “The resort could be ‘on the cusp’ of great things” she continued.

“Porthcawl can showcase the way ahead. The resort’s regeneration provides it with perhaps the most exciting moment in its history.  Ongoing consultation with the community is therefore vital.”

Storm Porthcawl Harbour SW LOGO cover.jpg

SW volunteer, Kristian Evans, a father of two young boys, says: “The ‘climate emergency’ is happening now. Our children will bear the consequences of our choices and we cannot ignore the scale of the challenges they are facing. Kicking the can down the road is not an option.”

"We urge BCBC to seize this opportunity to make our resort relevant”, Margaret and Kris say. “A ‘bog standard’ regeneration is not what the town requires or deserves."

The document, ‘Porthcawl: a low carbon future?’ is now available on-line, whilst copies  have been sent to relevant councillors and community action groups, such as Porthcawl Civic Trust, the resort’s Chamber of Trade, and BAVO.

Download the…

Press Release (Word docx).

Response Document from Sustainable Wales (PDF screen resolution). Updated Sept. 2020